Friday, June 22, 2012

Pick of the Week

The King of Comedy (1985)- Rupert Pupkin (Robert Deniro) wants to be a famous comedian/talk show host. He believes that he will be a hit if he can just get an appearance on Jerry Langford's (Jerry Lewis) popular late night talk show. Unsuccessful in his attempts, he enlists the help of Langford obsessed friend Masha to stalk and kidnap the famous T.V. show host in order to perform his act in a "private audition". Martin Scorcese directed this strange tale of obsession, desperation and psychosis. Deniro is brilliant as a man who cannot distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality. He wants to BE Jerry. Nothing will get in his way. Comedian Jerry Lewis shines as the powerful Hollywood television host.

Radio Talk

"Go to 2"- On a film set, channel 1 on your Walkie-Talkie is exclusively for the production orders.
 If you need to have a side conversation, the etiquette is to tell the person that you want to talk with to "go to 2". It means change to channel 2 for a conversation. You could also send them to any other unused channel but channel 2 is often reserved just for this circumstance. When the conversation is over, the person who said go to 2 must remind the other person to switch back to the production channel by saying "Back to 1".

Dialogue Greatness

Mr. Madison  what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Billy Madison (1995) Starring Adam Sandler

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Canon C500 Update

Only nine days till the Canon C500 4K screening! Show starts at 1pm at the Regal Cinemas in Winter Park, FL See the footage, see the camera, talk to the Canon reps!
Wednesday, June 27 at 1:00pm at Regal Cinemas

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Film Crew Slang

Stand-by Scenic: A member of the Art Department on a film, whose main job is to be ready at all times to touch up the set with paint, wax, varnish and all sorts of materials. They may also be referred to as a Scenic Artist.

Update-Canon C500 4K presentation here in Orlando.

More on :
Save this date - June 27th, 2012 for Canon C500 4K presentation here in Orlando. My friends from Canon will be bringing the 4K films shot on the C500 to show - Location to be announced later - thinking Winter Park. Possibly a special guest, and maybe some hands on time with the camera! 
TUESDAY June 26, 2012  7:00PM (1900 hrs) at the Regal Cinemas in Winter Park, FL
510 North Orlando Avenue, Winter Park, FL - (407) 628-0035 - Map

Thursday, June 7, 2012


"A Hard Day's Night" (1964)- John Lennon being interviewed by a reporter after The Beatles U.S. first concert tour:
Reporter: Tell me, how did you find America?
John Lennon: Turned left at Greenland.

Film Crew Slang

Clean Entrance- Actors walk into the camera's view from outside the frame in the beginning of a shot.
Clean Exit- Actors walk out of the camera frame at the end of a shot.
Clean Entrance/Exit provide editing options in the editing room. They also can re-enforce screen direction to the audience and make it more "real". Many new filmmakers ignore this simple tip and end up locking themselves into a limited series of cuts in the edit. This limited cut can confuse/disorient the audience or simply be regarded as poor filmmaking technique.