Friday, June 25, 2021
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Film Crew Slang
No Show/No Call- When a crew member does not show up for work and does not contact their supervisor or the Production Department to let us know their status. This means Production has to scramble to get a replacement in to work. Time costs money, especially if we are one team member short. This can get you fired. Even if you have a family emergency, professionalism demands that you contact the production.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Film Crew Slang
"John Ford"- A technique where an actor walks toward the camera (downstage) in the course of a long take eventually walking into his own close-up. Director John Ford was know for utilizing this technique for dramatic effect and to eliminate the need for additional shots. John Ford is THE preeminent director of the classic cowboy film. You should immediately rent "The Searchers" (starring John Wayne) to see a truly great director in action.
Film Crew Slang
Pay or Play- An stipulation in a contract which commits the production company to compensate a cast or crew member for a project whether or not that project ever goes into production.